Thursday, January 31, 2013

Awesome giveaway!

Wish we were able to do giveaways on our blog, but not today!  Here's an awesome one sponsored by my ABSOLUTE FAV, Fossil on Oh!Joy.  Link below!  Good luck!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

We have arrived!

Well, from looking at our StatCounter, we've not arrived in the sense that we have readers.  We currently have zero.  Well, zero that are commenting.  ANYWHO.  I believe in persistence and Jes and I will continue to blog til we make it.  Make it where?  ANYWHERE.  Anywhere that will get us a freakin Bugaboo for free just because we have readers and we will photograph ourselves pushing around our babies in them.  So THAT anywhere.  But til then, we have an Instagram!  Follow us!  Like our pics!  Pretty please?!

Our Insta name is : kumquatnjunebug



Saturday, January 19, 2013

Oh me oh my! Heavens to Betsy!

Hi Beauties!

(the person below, is no longer me!!!)

I am blogging from a wonderful desktop!  Heavens, the speed on this baby!  Our laptop that my dad gave me used up it's third power cord in the 3+ years we have owned it and I was done with the blasted thing.  I convinced the good Dr that we needed a new desktop, now especially since I am homeschooling Soy-Soy.  So I quickly researched a descent one and splurged this morning.  It's not my dream iMac, but this is baby is eons better than the POS we had we before.  We have been without a desktop since we moved to West TX.  So, I haven't been this happy since I got my iPad for my 30th, a few years ago.


The simple joys of life.  <sigh>


Thursday, January 3, 2013

If I could write..

and form sentences, then all the ideas I had in my head for posts would come to life.  I am having no such luck.  Something sounds great in my head but then crap  in type.  So I leave you with one of my most favorite artists.  Girl can WRITE.  I think it's time to blast some 90s chick pop rock to get my brain flowing.  Thank you, Sam Philips!

Happy Thursday!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2013!

Happy 2013, readers!  Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa.

If you haven't noticed, the last 9 posts have been authored by Jes.  I apologize for my absence and lack of motivation to blog.  I was hoping for motivation from my trip out  East but that didn't happen.  Not from a lack of desire, but from a lack of energy.  Soon after my trip, I found out I was expecting baby #3.  TOTALLY not planned and I was feeling emotionally and physically sick from it.   I won't go into complete details in this post as it is titled: HAPPY 2013 and not SAD 2013.  I promise to post more this year, my crappy computer willing.

If you need a good motivator for your 2013 resolutions, head here to Freshly Picked's blog post on "Five steps to take control of 2013".  I highly recommend it.  She's witty and her 5 are not at all unrealistic.

Happy New Year!