Friday, December 13, 2013

2013 XMas Must Haves

BY yours truly, June.  I'm writing this post as I should be heading out the door to get Little Miss from school but if I don't post now, I'll never do it.  I thought about making a collage on Photoshop for this post but that was WAAAAAYYYY too much work.  Check out our Pinterest page to see my top picks for gifts for the ladies.

Happy Pinning!


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Awesome blogs

I LOVE reading blogs! I used to read what felt like hundreds of blogs, but since life seems busier lately, I've tried to read blogs that inspire or make me laugh. So, here are my favorites.

Blogs that inspire:

Girl's Gone Child
Rebecca, writer of this blog, is some I wish was my friend in real life. She is so REAL. And she has amazing insights into the world and I think she is doing a fantastic job as a mother. Here are some of my all time favorite posts:
Be your own best friend - I also want her daughter Fable to be my BFF.
Talking to strangers
Rock, her Gypsy soul
Amour - her son Archer is a gentle soul. I love posts about Archer - like this one- We need to allow men to be sensitive
On (finally) accepting feminism

Ok, I could go on and on... this blog is amazing.

Finding Magnolia   
This blog is awesome too. Its about a family with 2 adopted little girls from Ethiopia. The mom does therapeutic parenting posts about how she helps her daughters deal with the trauma of their early years.
On parenting a child who has experienced trauma
Hair, Homeschool, and Holiday

Blogs that make me laugh:

I love all the posts from this blog. I also compulsively check their twitter feed. 
Some of my all time favorites include:
This one might be my ALL TIME favorite: Big bed
I need to buy the book. I've read every post, again and again. Great stuff.

If you've never read this blog, please start today. Its amazing. Ali, the author, is so real. I get giddy every time new post comes out. And she has a new book. BUY IT - you won't regret it. All posts are simply amazing, but here are some of my favorites:
The God of Cake - this is me. Probably exactly me as a child (am I right, mom?) but I try and hide it a little better as an adult. 
And for a whole lot of TRUTH: Adventures in depression and  Depression part 2

Everything on this blog is true, accurate and funny :) 


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Where I've been (since I've not been blogging!)

In looking through photos on my phone this morning, I realized that instead of just telling, I could show what I've been up to (and why I've been a blogging slacker).


This summer we visited NY and PA!
First, I got to see my beautiful nieces and their dance recitals.

They did a great job! So proud of my little girls.

We were able to spend a super fun 4th of July weekend in New York. On the trip up to NY, we visited 2 firework stands. So glad no one lost a limb! Look at these cuties!

Hi Immy!
My nephew can read?! When did this happen?! Love them.


At the beginning of the summer we ran a color run. It was fun, but I was coughing up color for days. 

Lots and lots of running. Did my second half in September. It was not fun, but it was good running with my ladies. Jason and his bike saved us. He had advil, treats, and was a great source of encouragement to us.
Best medal EVER! I love it. 

My girls! We stuck together on a really tough course and finished STRONG!

The week after the half,  I did a really hard trail run with my awesome friend Tiffany. We were crawling over big rocks and there were fallen trees. She was super patient while I was slow and lame.

I also did a "run around the lake" race for Wounded Warriors. Another trail run, and I only fell once!

Today we did a 10K! I was worried since I've been battling a cold all week and my lungs where hurting. But we all did really well. Love these people!

New Job! 

I started a new job in August. I love it, but its keeping me really busy. But I have a great view! (thats Reagan Airport through the buildings!)


Lots and lots of delish food! This summer I did a Georgetown cupcake tour with my friend Michelle. We started at Georgetown Cupcakes, then moved to Sprinkles and ended at Baked & Wired. Georgetown Cupcakes is still my favorite, and Michelle liked Sprinkles German Chocolate Cake cupcakes the best.

Georgetown Cupcake - Red Velvet and Salted Caramel

Sprinkles Double Chocolate 
Baked and Wired Lemon Blueberry
 Had a great girls night out with some good friends - and the chocolate flourless waffle was amazing.
 First pumpkin maple donut of the season! This year, they stopped making them way too soon :(
I discovered sourdough avocado grilled cheese sandwiches.  I've died and gone to heaven.
 A friend gave me the recipe for brownie cookie dough bars. They were pretty delish.
Another trip to Georgetown Cupcakes, this time a boding trip with a new co-worker and we split the cupcakes in the picture below. I ate an apple carmel, a maple pumpkin, and a chocolate lava cupcake. Phrase of the day (after eating 3 cupcakes) "and I don't feel sick at all!"

Other random fun...

Josh brought some legos back from one of his visits to NY. I'm convinced that legos are fun at any age.
 Josh and I did a date night to the river front. Someday we will have a boat like this...
 Went with my good friend Sarah to see Austenland! Sarah and I were roommates, and when I had mono, she read the book to me. Best roommate/friend ever.
 Voted! Things were getting a little tense in the governors race, so while I try to vote anyway, I booked it home from work and VOTED!
 And finally, the most recent addition to our family, a giant stuffed panda. Its huge. Name will be decided later :)

bad. bad bad

Jes and I are still alive.  We both have had life changes since I posted here on the blog the day AFTER her birthday.  ( i know, worst friend ever right here)  I've decided to participate in a local blogger's Friday fashion posts.  I may suck at more than I would like to admit, but I think it will be a good way for me to be motivated to get back my creative juices and actually start getting dressed and showered again.  Check out Allison's page at .  She's fabulous and super fun.

I hope you all are well.  I have several posts I'd like to get started one.  Anyone want to help me by being a nanny/wetnurse/housekeeper/personalassistant/etc?  thankyouverymuch.  send your resumes to the address in the "Contact Us" section.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Happy (belated) Birthday, Jes!

I may be the worst friend.  Ever.  I tried posting earlier today from my phone, while my kids were at swim lessons but 4G on AT&T and really a joke.  

What can I say about the fabulous, incredible, darling, beautiful Jes?  She truly is one of THE most caring and loving people I know.  She loves my kids like they're her own blood.  Jes isn't afraid to share her opinions on the "hard" topics yet she isn't too involved with herself to hear other people's opinions and thoughts too.  She is brave.  I could go on forever but honestly, words cannot express all that I feel for her.

Happy birthday my lovely. Glad we're framily (friends+family).


Thursday, June 27, 2013

And they say, "There's no such thing as a miracle.."

I like to think there is something close to a miracle when finding a way to get back into pre-pregnancy clothing.  And well gosh darn it, I think I found that "something close".

Have you eve heard of stomach binding?  Well, most cultures (with the exception of ours) bind women's stomachs postpartum.  Look it up.  Google it.  Wiki.  Whatever.  It's true. I hadn't heard about it until I started researching "how to get your body back after baby".  Yes, I know diet and exercise work.  But you're not supposed to diet while breastfeeding and you can't technically exercise until you get the 6 week "OK" from your OB.  So the baby weight kind of sticks around for most women for a while.  Especially if you gained more than the recommended amount of 25-35 lbs for average weight women, 28-40 lbs for underweight women and 15-25 lbs for women who are overweight.  (source:  This being my 3rd baby and me not gaining too much in my previous pregnancies, I assumed this one would be the same.  WRONG-O!  I gained exactly 40 (my starting weight was 123 lbs) and I birthed an 8 lb 11 oz man child.  My other two weighed in at 7.14 lbs and 7.9 lbs.  Ok, back to the "miracle" product.

So as I researched products made for postpartum recovery, I came across the Belly Bandit.  It had rave reviews from celebrities on their website and by the women who work in a local mom/baby boutique in town called BC.  For $69.95 I was not expecting the world but I did have to buy 2 sizes.  So maybe I was expecting nothing short of a miracle.  So the question.  Did it have the desired results?  YES!  I wore it day and night for 6 weeks, only taking it off to wash the BB and also to shower.  It offered support for my back which was majorly needed since ab muscles are non-existent post-baby. The BB website recommends you wear the BB for 6-8 weeks and say that you might need to purchase more than one size during that time.  They have 5 different "models" of the BB.  I purchase the Bamboo one, mostly because that's all BC carried.   Here's a picture of the product:


And here are pics of my results:

This picture was taken after six days of wearing it.  

This one was taken June 13.  I had been wearing the Belly Bandit for a month.  

Now, I don't know what my weight is currently (I don't own a scale) but my stomach has significantly shrunk back.  I'll still need to rebuild my ab muscles and lose the flab of skin that appears when I sit down (you know the one.  it hangs over your pants).  I haven't dieted for the reason stated above but I have had to cut out dairy products and chocolate because it makes baby T super fussy.  I have only exercised once and that was right after the 4 weeks picture was taken.  

So my results may be unusual but check out their website and see the testimonials of other women.  I am truly grateful I found this product.  It saved me from having to purchase a completely new wardrobe (which would have been fun but upsetting since I LOVE my current wardrobe and have spent too much $$ on it.) and the BB also offered support for my back during those early days of postpartum recovery.  So, for $150, the Belly Bandit was money well spent.  I'm now waiting for my MotherTucker Nursing Tanks to come in 
so I can have continued support post-baby and the confidence to get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes.  Thanks, Belly Bandit for making a FABULOUS product.

(don't mind the hole in the wall..)


(Disclaimer: I was not paid or given any compensation for my use and review of the BellyBandit)

Friday, June 21, 2013


I thought I'd take a quick moment to blog.  Baby T is growing like a weed and currently going through a growth spurt.  But I'm not here to blog about growth spurts..

There's this girl I knew whose husband served a mission for my church in the same mission as Dr J and she recently just had her 8th baby.  They lived in our WTx town for a while but then moved to Oregon and they are soon moving to Syracuse, NY.  She has had very difficult pregnancies and this last one, Jen was pregnant with twins and one of the babies died during the pregnancy.  Here's the link to her blog: Moss Moments.   As I read through her blog today, my heart ached for her.  I felt truly grateful and blessed to have easy pregnancies and healthy babies.  I know that no one has an easy life and we are given challenges in this life that sometimes seem impossible to bear.  I'm grateful for my family, friends and my faith that have helped and sustained me in dark times.  I am grateful to know that they are there for the trials that will come in my life.

I am grateful for this sweet baby and his first smiles.

Today, I am grateful.  

Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Trixie!

Oh gosh, there is so much I want to say about my friend Trixie. I'll start with I'm so glad she was born! She deserves all the happiness in the world. I wish I was eating Georgetown Cupcakes with her right now. So Trixie, this is me, missing you, and hoping you know how dear you are to me.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Go big or go home

Thats's what we say in Texas, y'all.

I done had my baby.  Baby T was born May 11 at 10:41 am.  He was 8lbs 11oz and 21 in long. And if you have seen me, you know that 8.11 is a big A baby for me.   He was a good pound bigger than both his brother and sister.  T is the sweetest baby and I am surviving life as a mother of 3.

3 is hard, y'all.  It is rough some days.  But T sleeps well at night so luckily I can sorta function during the day.

I hope all is well with you, dear readers.  i'll try not to be MIA too much.  Jes is busy with work so life has caught up to both of us.  Eventually, someday, we'd like for this blog to be more but this obviously isn't the right season in life.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Spiders are like little pieces of death wrapped in scary

As my friends know, I'm COMPLETELY terrified of spiders. They are the scariest thing ever. If I see one, no matter how small, I scream like there is an intruder in our house about to murder me (First few times it happened, Josh was not amused. A persons response to a murderous intruder in theory is different than to a spider. NOT in my house.)

Was sent this by a friend today who also shares the same irrational fear (I say rational. We might just be irrational in our response to said fear). Its hilarious but TRUE. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Balance of Power

I have a great co-worker who shares interesting things she reads. That is one thing I love about working - the chance to spend time with people who are at least somewhat interested in the things I'm interested in. This morning, she sent me this article to read: The Balance of Power - By David Rothkopf | Foreign Policy
Basically, the point of the article is this: we make a big deal when women are in positions of power - but does this represent real progress for women? Women make up 20% of governing bodies but are 50% of the population! As the author writes: "Because these figures are so familiar to us, so broadly accepted, we end up celebrating the occasional story of progress or individual success as representing far greater gains than are actually being realized." And because I can't say it any better than the author did, this point is made:

...the underrepresentation of women in positions of power is proof not so much that men still dominate the top of the pyramid as it is of a system of the most egregious, widespread, pernicious, destructive pattern of human rights abuses in the history of civilization. There is no genocide against any people that has produced more victims than the number of females who have lost their lives to discrimination against the birth of girl babies (in Pakistan alone, for instance, there is a culturally encouraged "shortage" of an estimated 6 million females), or who have died from the unwillingness of societies to provide the health care women need, or who die as a result of social customs that allow fathers to kill daughters for "shaming" families, husbands to kill wives for adultery, and men to perpetrate other horrific violence against women. That countless millions of women are also regularly raped, beaten, and abused by men only compounds these atrocities.
The systematic, persistent acceptance of women's second-class status is history's greatest shame. And for all our self-congratulations about how far we have come, we live in a world where even in the most advanced countries, deep injustices against women remain. These injustices, of course, have other costs beyond the purely human ones. Nothing would help societies grow more than educating and empowering women economically. Democracy is a sham until the planet's majority population actually achieves equitable representation in deliberative bodies and executive positions of government. And the absence of women in positions of power is also, of course, a guarantee that women's interests will continue to be minimized, ignored, or repressed.

And on a similar topic

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Now onto another topic...

this post is probably more like what Jes would post.  I usually stay more towards the light, fluffy subjects but I've been losing some sleep thinking about this.  Women and the Priesthood.  If you don't already know, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I was born into the religion and by my own choice, have stayed.

There has been a lot of talk of the role of women in the LDS church.  Women gave prayers for the first time earlier this month in the Semi-annual General Conference the church holds.  And the most interesting of all, "Why don't or can't women hold the Priesthood?"  Let's first start with the prayer issue.

I never noticed that women never prayed in GC.  They prayed in church.  Wasn't that enough?  It was never an issue for me.  My friend, Danielle posted on Facebook this:

I had a great laugh with this.  9 minutes early truly is groundbreaking.  But if you know Danielle, she meant this mostly in jest.  But some people responded very seriously stating that it was "very" important to them that a woman prayed in GC.  Ok.  I get it.  it is groundbreaking.  BUT the woman that prayed at the beginning of the Sunday 2nd session was THE longest prayer ever.  I joked with friends saying "that was the reason women never prayed in GC before because they would be long winded."  ha.  

now onto the podcast.  i finished it this afternoon.  i felt bothered by most everything I heard.  i felt upset.  i felt i needed more answers and needed to hear more women's thoughts on holding the priesthood and gender :inequality" that exists in the LDS church.  let this be known:  i have never felt unequal to a man because he holds the priesthood.  i have never felt put into a box by things i was taught in YW about womanhood and the "role" of a woman.  i personally do not want the responsibility put on a holder of the priesthood.   i know the people debating women and the priesthood will say, "that's fine that you don't want the responsibility but we/i do."  to each their own i say.  

so after feeling slightly frustrated by the podcast, i read some more on "the feminist mormon housewife" and found a article someone recommended entitled "Ruby Slippers on her Feet" by V.H. Cassler who taught political science at BYU for 24 years and currently now at texas A&M.  It helped me understand what these women are feeling but not really validating their reasons for leaving the LDS church.  She made points clear regarding why men and women have different roles in this world and the LDS church.  one point she made was this (and I paraphrase):  that men hold the priesthood as a apprentices on the earth of Heavenly Father and women are apprentices to Heavenly Mother.  so why would a woman want to be an apprentice to become a father?  

now I know some of you readers will not agree with my points or some of you have left the the LDS church. I don't mean to upset you or make you feel judged.  I know everyone has their reasons for leaving but I find this particular reason of gender inequality a little strange.  but that's just my humble opinion.  


(here's the link to the podcast i listened to.)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The one where i reveal my identity...

I know that I made this to sound more exciting that it really is.  My "true" identity" has never made it to this blog.  When jes and I started this blog, it was my intention to keep my face and real name a secret to protect my family and myself.  I really didn't want certain people reading the blog and figuring out that a nasty post was about them.  But then, I decided to delete those posts and move on with my life.  Maybe it's my pregnancy hormones that make me not give a sh**.  Who knows.

My face is no longer a secret . (see post below or click on link)  But I'll still go by June or Trixie.  I've always wanted another name.

Til next time......


Monday, April 8, 2013

My first vlog!

(excuse my non-make up face, background noise of children and my rambling.  i'll get better.  I promise)

I'm reviewing here:

Clinique Super City Block 40 SPF $21.00 ( or your local department store)

Jouer Moisturizing Lip Gloss in Birchbox Pink $20.00 (

Another product mentioned but not featured: Kiehls Lip Balm SPF 15 ( or local department store)


Sunday, April 7, 2013

We are back!

We are back to blogger! We gave Wordpress a solid effort, but it was getting in the way of our blogging. So we switched back. You can still get to us though or if you subscribed, nothing has changed. And maybe now we will blog more :) And you should totally follow us on Instagram (kumquatnjunebug) Facebook and Pinterest.

Friday, April 5, 2013


what's new, right?  this pregnancy has sucked my brain completely away.  between growing this baby, homeschooling Soy (he's in 1st grade) and getting things ready for baby (the usual nesting habits, buying a car, looking for a house, etc etc...) i've not really had time to think about blogging.  I read blogs that feel witty and inspired..  fun and intriguing.  those things, I am not feeling.

if anyone has a magic potion for inspiration or a wand I can borrow to get all my day to day tasks done, i'd be eternally grateful and *might* compensate you.  although, i cannot promise the compensation will be really anything.

til next time...


Friday, March 29, 2013

Half Marathon

I can't believe its been 2 weeks since I ran my first half marathon! What a wonderful/hard/exhausting/pink experience! I'm so glad I did it... and I've picked out my next one - the Diva run in September!

Trixie sent me some amazing hot pink shoe laces that arrived just in time for the race! I LOVE them so much.


These are the amazing ladies I trained with. Without them, I would not be running. Seriously.


Josh bought me a glitter pink running skirt. Pheobe agreed to get one to run in too ( - check them out!) but we forgot that Pheobe is many many inches taller than me. So we looked a little different in our skirts... but still AWESOME. We also thought it was going rain... but we had clear skies. But we were dressed to weather whatever storm was coming (I'm so glad it didn't rain! Its a miracle!)


Here is the start line! It felt like hours waiting to finally run. We were in the 25th corral - so we did have a little time to wait.


At mile 6 there was a terrible hill! Thankfully, Josh and my wonderful parents were waiting there to give me the boost I needed to run the whole hill. After running for approximately 2 hours and 50 minutes (yep, we weren't that fast, but I'm ok with that) we finished! Around mile 10 I was done. I was sure that I had blisters (I didn't, I just broke a little mentally) and I was so so tired. You couldn't see the finish line - it was up hill and it seemed so far. But I ran the whole way and crossed the finish line!


Our friend Emily had brunch waiting for us when we finished. We had so many friends waiting to celebrate with us - it was so great!

photoI still can't believe that I did this! I'm so glad I did!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Rape Culture

Since seeing the news coverage of the Steubenville rape case, I've had a post rattling around my brain about the rape culture in which we live - and bemoaning the conviction of 2 rapists because their lives are "now ruined" only furthers the case.

I came across this article that clearly outlines the many examples to make the point that yes, indeed we live in a rape culture. There are many great (appalling) examples, but this really hit home to me:
Rape culture is every time we look the other way when sex is used as a weapon, or to shame someone, keep someone submissive, or marginalize someone. It can be as simple as a co-worker sexually harassing you, and then telling you to “learn to take a joke” when you tell them to shut the f*ck up already. At a time when rape can be documented and spread across Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and basically anywhere online, it is crucial that we have these conversation and condemn every perpetrator. 40 years ago rape was simply swept under the carpet, an upsetting thing no one wanted to deal with. If now, in the digital age, we accept it as gossip, as entertainment, as something that just happens to that girl everyone makes fun of, what we’re really saying is that were fine with it. And we are absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, NOT fine with it.

And then, so you don't despair, read this. Culture CAN be changed. There  are real actions that can be taken to change the rape culture in which we live, including:
• Understand that if you are trying to prove something about yourself by degrading others, you are contributing to a culture in which violence is inevitable.

• Don't make light of talk that degrades girls or women including labels like "slut," "tramp," and the like. Rape thrives in environments where it is normalized and thus seems justifiable. Rape thrives when we dehumanize and categorize girls/women.

• Don't turn a blind eye when a girl/woman is being harassed (spoken to in a derogatory manner). Speak up or hang out with better guys. If this behavior caused men to lose all of their friends, they may not engage in it. If there are more good guys than bad ones, prove it.

• If you see a situation where someone looks like they are going to harass or possibly assault someone, try to get them out of that situation or if it is safer, try to get the potential victim out of that situation.

• Think about the media you consume -- from music to sports casting to comedy. Yes, there are lots of ways of justifying listening to outlandishly sexist media, but come on. You choose to consume it; you legitimate its messages.

• Teach your brothers and/or sons to respect all people and that no girl or woman ever deserves to be violated.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy International Women's Day 2013!

Its International Women's Day 2013, and do I have some great readings and viewings for you!

"The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights" Gloria Steinem

Women across the world are doing some remarkable things:

Check out this slideshow from Reuters.

Read about women serving in the Peace Corps - Our Best Diplomats: Women in the Peace Corps 

Learn about the work this doctor is doing to save lives in Syria.

Watch this video from UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet


And this one: Women as Agents of Change



Thursday, February 14, 2013

Its V-Day!

Today is V-Day. Not just Valentine's Day, but V-Day, a global movement to end violence against women. Today is V-Day’s 15th Anniversary, marked by a global movement that is  underway for ONE BILLION women and those who love them to WALK OUT, DANCE, RISE UP, and DEMAND an end to this violence. ONE BILLION RISING will move the earth, activating women and men across every country. V-Day wants the world to see our collective strength, our numbers, our solidarity across borders.

This video gave me chills!  Hope you enjoy! How will you celebrate V-Day? Join a rising, educate your self, or do something kind for someone else. It all makes our world a better place. Happy V-Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

We've got a deal!

Here's the post I've been promising that contains my lucky finds.  I wish the collage were better.  But until I'm not too cheap to buy Photoshop or I figure out Picasa (dang it!  shoulda sprang for a Mac.... grr....), this is what you'll get.


(From top left to bottom right): TJ Maxx 1-5, Target 6, Salvation Army 7

1.  Pink make-up sponge applicator:  I own another one of these, but from Target and in a blue color but the pink one was a steal and an impulse buy.  (Those shelves they have that form the check-out line are the DEVIL!  I ALWAYS manage to find something I don't need.  The people who do consumer spending research and store planning REALLY know their stuff.  $4.99

2.  NOW Ginger Molasses Cookies: I've had these before but when I saw them again, I couldn't pass up the chewy goodness inside.  I LOVE TJ Maxx for yummy food finds.  $?

3.  Mama Tina's Organic Quinoa Flour: Dr. J got me a "Baking with Whole Grains" cookbook for Christmas this year and while I've used whole wheat flour and spelt flour before, I couldn't pass up quinoa flour.  $3.99

4.  Co-Lab Wallet: Oh this pretty baby just jumped out at me!  I must say I am a TOTAL sucker for anything turquoise/cerulean/ocean colored.  This wallet is not real leather (doesn't smell like it) but it is SOOOOFT.  I didn't really need a new wallet but I knew for the color alone, it was a must have or I'd regret it.  $12.99

5.  Baggallini Special Edition New Yorker Bagg: This crossbody bag is not usually something I buy.  It's not my style.  But we are taking a family trip to Disneyland in the near future and I wanted a small but roomy bag i could wear across by body and carry essentials for the park.  I had my mind set on this beauty from Fossil, I really could justify the $178 leather bag purchase for an amusement park.  Plus, is leather really practical for carry crap that could ruin it or worse yet, get ruined on a ride?  (it would be just my luck, no doubt for it to get TRASHED at DLand.)  I searched everywhere online for the perfect replica of the Fossil, just not a leather one.  And the Maxx saved me.  It's roomy enough to fit a small wallet, tissues, hand sanitizer, small package of baby wipes, chapstick, small tueb of sunblock, etc that I had to nab it.  When was my luck going to go my way again?  Thank you, thank you TJ Maxx for sparing my bank account.... for the time being.  $29.99

6.  Navajo Print Belt:  Oh Target.  How I hate to love you.  I normally drop serious cash without even blinking an eye the second I walk in that holy hell hole but I have been trying to be more of a friend to my budget than normal with baby 3 on the way.  So, I scour the clearance racks first.  Then hit the normal priced stuff.  I am a real sucker for the RED clearance tag tell me how much the item used to cost and how much it costs me NOW.  Sometimes, the deal is crap and other times, it's not worth missing.  This belt was it.  Normally priced at $12.99, it was so dirt cheap I had to restrain myself from buying all of them.  Just because.  The print is a fun one for spring and I've been rocking it over my baby bump to brighten my very dreary winter.  $3.47

7.  Red Mirror:  I went overboard the other day and bought EJune like 10 sets of hair bows and clips from F21.  (How can you resist their adorable yet INEXPENSIVE hair accessories?!) From $1.80-$2.80 for a set of 2 hair clips with flowers or bows or different colors, prints and textures, I'm like a kid in a candy store.  They stay really well in EJ's thin hair and they are not completely overwhelming that sometimes we but two, side by side in her hair.  Ok, so onto the mirror.  I saw a fun tutorial on Pinterest for displaying and organizing your little girl's hair clips.  Some are BUTT U-G-L-Y so I searched til I found the perfect one.  (I lost the link to the tutorial but it's simple enough and I'll post my own).  I knew the exact frame I wanted and the one time I walk into the Salvation Army, I find it.  It was $1.39 but then that day was an extra % off so I paid $1.09 with tax!  Can't beat that!

I hope bargain hunting is in your near future and luck on your side when you do go.  I think I'm a fan for life.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Big thanks to Trixie for carrying this blog for the last few months. I don't know whats happened to me, but sitting down at my computer while at home has become impossible. It may be because I'm not home much - I feel  like I have something every night, and while its all good things, and I feel happier than I've even been, its made it hard to do the things I usually like to do while home - blog, read blogs, cook food, and clean my apartment (well, I don't LIKE to clean, but I NEED to :)

I am committing to do better - if it means I take my lunch break to blog, maybe thats what I do. Or instead of vegging, watching TV after an evening run, I make myself sit down and share something. I'm going to try to be more present.

Talk to you all soon :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Let's make a deal!

I don't ever recall my mother being a bargain shopper.  Well bargains, in this case being: yard sales, thrift stores, etc.  She was good for good deals on food (typical Asian mother) but we never shopped at thrift stores or yard sales, even when money was tight while growing up or even after my parents divorced.  So for me, shopping yard sales, thrift stores, or even places like TJ Maxx or Ross are difficult at times because I never learned the patience that's required for deal hunting.  I also get easily discouraged if I immediately don't find what I'm looking for.  I have friends who live in thrift stores and they find AMAZING things.  I'd like to find some amazing things.  But I do, at this moment, feel my luck is changing.  Maybe it's karma's way of repaying me after a horrible week or maybe I'm becoming more patient with it.  But now that I've mentioned it here, it may turn sour again.   I always blamed my bad bargain luck on the fact that "I was just meant to pay full price".  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE, no I ADORE a great deal.  I'm just picky.  Who says you have to settle with a deal?

Well, here's to hoping my luck continues.  At least with deal hunting.

(See the next post for details on my finds this week!)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Do you "like"?



The other day as I was reading through a few comments that we have received, I had a sudden urge to click "Like" on one of the comments.  I frantically search for the "Like" but it is nowhere to be found! " WHAT?!?,"  I scream out in my mind.  "Impossible!" I say.  Oh, but it is true!  Have we become too accustomed to have the option to "Like" something instead of commenting back?  I think it is a cop-out way of saying you what you really want to say, but not really because it's not actually a "real" comment.  Sure, it's nice to get a "Like" on your status or your IG pic. But sometimes, I feel a real comment like: "AWESOME" could go a long way.

I get it that it takes more movement of our brain and fingers to post a comment instead of hitting one small button. And my hitting of that button is often because I am lazy.  But here's the real kicker.  If I haven't commented or even taken that millisecond to hit the "like" button, that means that I just cannot, honestly, truly, "Like" your picture.  Maybe it's just my hormones but if I cannot like it FOR REAL, I cannot "fake" like it.  I just can't.

Just know, if you are my friend on FB or IG I really, truly do like you.  I don't add any old schmuck.  But sometimes, I cannot "like" what you've posted.  My sincerest apologies.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Awesome giveaway!

Wish we were able to do giveaways on our blog, but not today!  Here's an awesome one sponsored by my ABSOLUTE FAV, Fossil on Oh!Joy.  Link below!  Good luck!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

We have arrived!

Well, from looking at our StatCounter, we've not arrived in the sense that we have readers.  We currently have zero.  Well, zero that are commenting.  ANYWHO.  I believe in persistence and Jes and I will continue to blog til we make it.  Make it where?  ANYWHERE.  Anywhere that will get us a freakin Bugaboo for free just because we have readers and we will photograph ourselves pushing around our babies in them.  So THAT anywhere.  But til then, we have an Instagram!  Follow us!  Like our pics!  Pretty please?!

Our Insta name is : kumquatnjunebug



Saturday, January 19, 2013

Oh me oh my! Heavens to Betsy!

Hi Beauties!

(the person below, is no longer me!!!)

I am blogging from a wonderful desktop!  Heavens, the speed on this baby!  Our laptop that my dad gave me used up it's third power cord in the 3+ years we have owned it and I was done with the blasted thing.  I convinced the good Dr that we needed a new desktop, now especially since I am homeschooling Soy-Soy.  So I quickly researched a descent one and splurged this morning.  It's not my dream iMac, but this is baby is eons better than the POS we had we before.  We have been without a desktop since we moved to West TX.  So, I haven't been this happy since I got my iPad for my 30th, a few years ago.


The simple joys of life.  <sigh>


Thursday, January 3, 2013

If I could write..

and form sentences, then all the ideas I had in my head for posts would come to life.  I am having no such luck.  Something sounds great in my head but then crap  in type.  So I leave you with one of my most favorite artists.  Girl can WRITE.  I think it's time to blast some 90s chick pop rock to get my brain flowing.  Thank you, Sam Philips!

Happy Thursday!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2013!

Happy 2013, readers!  Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa.

If you haven't noticed, the last 9 posts have been authored by Jes.  I apologize for my absence and lack of motivation to blog.  I was hoping for motivation from my trip out  East but that didn't happen.  Not from a lack of desire, but from a lack of energy.  Soon after my trip, I found out I was expecting baby #3.  TOTALLY not planned and I was feeling emotionally and physically sick from it.   I won't go into complete details in this post as it is titled: HAPPY 2013 and not SAD 2013.  I promise to post more this year, my crappy computer willing.

If you need a good motivator for your 2013 resolutions, head here to Freshly Picked's blog post on "Five steps to take control of 2013".  I highly recommend it.  She's witty and her 5 are not at all unrealistic.

Happy New Year!