Saturday, January 19, 2013

Oh me oh my! Heavens to Betsy!

Hi Beauties!

(the person below, is no longer me!!!)

I am blogging from a wonderful desktop!  Heavens, the speed on this baby!  Our laptop that my dad gave me used up it's third power cord in the 3+ years we have owned it and I was done with the blasted thing.  I convinced the good Dr that we needed a new desktop, now especially since I am homeschooling Soy-Soy.  So I quickly researched a descent one and splurged this morning.  It's not my dream iMac, but this is baby is eons better than the POS we had we before.  We have been without a desktop since we moved to West TX.  So, I haven't been this happy since I got my iPad for my 30th, a few years ago.


The simple joys of life.  <sigh>


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