Sunday, February 10, 2013


Big thanks to Trixie for carrying this blog for the last few months. I don't know whats happened to me, but sitting down at my computer while at home has become impossible. It may be because I'm not home much - I feel  like I have something every night, and while its all good things, and I feel happier than I've even been, its made it hard to do the things I usually like to do while home - blog, read blogs, cook food, and clean my apartment (well, I don't LIKE to clean, but I NEED to :)

I am committing to do better - if it means I take my lunch break to blog, maybe thats what I do. Or instead of vegging, watching TV after an evening run, I make myself sit down and share something. I'm going to try to be more present.

Talk to you all soon :)

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