Saturday, February 2, 2013

Do you "like"?



The other day as I was reading through a few comments that we have received, I had a sudden urge to click "Like" on one of the comments.  I frantically search for the "Like" but it is nowhere to be found! " WHAT?!?,"  I scream out in my mind.  "Impossible!" I say.  Oh, but it is true!  Have we become too accustomed to have the option to "Like" something instead of commenting back?  I think it is a cop-out way of saying you what you really want to say, but not really because it's not actually a "real" comment.  Sure, it's nice to get a "Like" on your status or your IG pic. But sometimes, I feel a real comment like: "AWESOME" could go a long way.

I get it that it takes more movement of our brain and fingers to post a comment instead of hitting one small button. And my hitting of that button is often because I am lazy.  But here's the real kicker.  If I haven't commented or even taken that millisecond to hit the "like" button, that means that I just cannot, honestly, truly, "Like" your picture.  Maybe it's just my hormones but if I cannot like it FOR REAL, I cannot "fake" like it.  I just can't.

Just know, if you are my friend on FB or IG I really, truly do like you.  I don't add any old schmuck.  But sometimes, I cannot "like" what you've posted.  My sincerest apologies.


  1. Oh, I like this. I really do. If there was a "like" button, I would click it. Oh wait, there is. Let me go take care of that.
