Friday, June 21, 2013


I thought I'd take a quick moment to blog.  Baby T is growing like a weed and currently going through a growth spurt.  But I'm not here to blog about growth spurts..

There's this girl I knew whose husband served a mission for my church in the same mission as Dr J and she recently just had her 8th baby.  They lived in our WTx town for a while but then moved to Oregon and they are soon moving to Syracuse, NY.  She has had very difficult pregnancies and this last one, Jen was pregnant with twins and one of the babies died during the pregnancy.  Here's the link to her blog: Moss Moments.   As I read through her blog today, my heart ached for her.  I felt truly grateful and blessed to have easy pregnancies and healthy babies.  I know that no one has an easy life and we are given challenges in this life that sometimes seem impossible to bear.  I'm grateful for my family, friends and my faith that have helped and sustained me in dark times.  I am grateful to know that they are there for the trials that will come in my life.

I am grateful for this sweet baby and his first smiles.

Today, I am grateful.  


  1. I skimmed through her blog a bit, and WOW, she seems like quite a woman - so amazing in many ways. And she is moving to Syracuse?! I can't wait to meet her!

    Every time I read about something like this (serious birth defects, or someone losing a baby), it makes me hold my babies a little bit tighter and feel that gratitude that kind of almost makes your heart hurt. It really does put things in perspective...

  2. This picture is melting my heart!!
