Sunday, September 2, 2012


Yesterday, I faced one of my fears. In order of most scary to least, my top five fears are as follows:

  1. Spiders

  2. Childbirth (to a lesser extent, pregnancy)

  3. The dentist

  4. Being horrible maimed in an accident (mostly the pain involved - in case you can't tell, I'm kind of weak)

  5. Not having a good book to read (mostly a joke, but being without a book is kinda a big deal to me)

Yesterday, I faced one of my fears - the dentist. The news was not good - how could it be when I haven't gone to the dentist in YEARS and I eat candy like its my job?? And while it will be a small fortune to fix my cavities/have a root canal/get my wisdom teeth removed, I'm hoping that I'm able to keep my fears in check and keep going to the dentist for regular checkups. And a shout out to my new friend, nitrous oxide - dang, it was awesome being high as a kite!

I have no plans to conquer my fear of spiders anytime soon, just FYI or childbirth (trying to come up with a different plan for that since I hear I can't be on drugs for the nine months leading up to it).

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