Sunday, April 6, 2014

Finding my calm

Right now, I was supposed to be crossing the finish line of the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler. Instead, I'm on my sofa, watching Scandal, and icing my foot. Not how I pictured this beautiful Sunday morning going. 

The past few months have been HARD. Running has been hard. Work has been hard. Life has been HARD. And I'm not great at slowing down, cutting back, or finding my calm. I just dig in and try harder. Run more, do more. But that is why I'm facing the situation I am today -- on my couch and not running. 

My shins have been killing me for months now. And I've tried everything: tapping them, compression socks, ice, heat, rest, stretching, new shoes, old shoes, foam rolling -- everything. This last week the top of my foot started to hurt. Figuring it was my new shoes, I went back to my old shoes but instead of feeling better, I felt even worse, so bad that walking hurt. Work has been intense. Late nights, lots of weekends, lots to do. I love what I do, but its just a lot. Life has been hard -- big decisions to be made, not enough time to spend with the people I love. 

So I'm on a forced rest. And I'm taking this opportunity to find my calm. I'm going to make a conscious effort to slow down. Get my life in order (i.e. clean the disaster of my apartment), get some extra sleep, cook real food, spend more time with Josh. This isn't going to be easy, but I hope it will be healing, for body and soul. 

Any advice on how to slow down? I could use some! 


  1. It's time for some deep blue and lemon grass! Do you have oils? Ashlee (usepureoils on insta!)

    1. Ashlee! I'll talk to Jes about oils! I don't know why I haven't. :)

    2. This is so funny! Just last week I started using Deep Blue and LOVE IT! Greatest thing ever! Thanks ladies :)
